RuckPack Combat Nutrition

RuckPack Combat Nutrition Energizer Nootropic Shots Review Do you enjoy your daily caffeine drink or energy shot? Are you the person that doesn't like caffeine but still needs a boost of energy? I have been trying out RuckPack Energizer Nootropic Shots for the past two weeks and I am very surprised at the effect. I experience absolutely no crash feeling and I do not drink caffeine on a regular basis, I normally drink water or flavored water. I didn't have a headache, I wasn't irritable from not having caffeine the next day, and this was drinking the 120 mg and 240 mg caffeine shots. These little 3 oz. shots taste like kool-aid they have to be one of the best little energy shots I have ever tasted. All of the ingredients are natural which I think is absolutely amazing that we finally have a energy shot available with no artificial ingredients. Natural sweeteners, flavors, colors, and even the caffeine is from green tea. Also, these shots...